关于「 moon」的内容列表


3月13日消息,据CNBC报道,加密支付巨头MoonPay通过收购API优先的稳定币基础设施初创公司Iron,正在加大其进军企业市场的力度。这是MoonPay在两个月内进行的第二笔重大收购,凸显了其希望占领迅速增长的稳定币支付市场的雄心。 MoonPay联合创始人兼首席执行官Ivan Soto-Wright在接受采访时表示:“我们认为,每个人都会有一个数字货币钱包,无论...

2025-03-13 13:22:58
Uniswap integrates Robinhood, MoonPay, Transak, and launches fiat withdrawal function

Uniswap Labs has launched the native fiat withdrawal (off-ramp) feature, which allows users to convert crypto assets into fiat currencies directly within the Uniswap wallet and deposit them into a bank account. The feature is implemented through integration with Robinhood, MoonPay and Transak, and will be expanded to the Uniswap browser plug-in and official website in the future. Users can exchange supported ERC-20 tokens for stablecoins such as USDC and ETH, and then quickly withdraw them to th...

2025-02-28 00:24:57

Uniswap Labs推出原生法币提现(off-ramp)功能,允许用户直接在Uniswap钱包内将加密资产转换为法币,并存入银行账户。该功能通过与Robinhood、MoonPay和Transak的集成实现,并将在未来扩展至Uniswap浏览器插件和官网。用户可将支持的ERC-20代币兑换为USDC、ETH等稳定币,然后迅速提现到账。Uniswap Labs表示,该功能已覆盖180多个国家,大幅提升加密资产与法币之间的流动性。

2025-02-28 00:24:57
Former CTO of SafeMoon Admits to 200 million Dollar Cryptocurrency Fraud

According to Cointelegraph, SafeMoon CTO Thomas Smith pleaded guilty in federal court in Brooklyn to one count of cryptocurrency fraud. Smith pleaded guilty to two counts of securities fraud conspiracy and wire fraud conspiracy, which carry a maximum sentence of 25 and 20 years, respectively. The Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission have charged Smith with participating in fraud along with SafeMoon CEO Braden John Karony and founder Kyle Nagy. Prosecutors say the thre...

2025-02-21 07:14:40

据Cointelegraph报道,SafeMoon首席技术官Thomas Smith在布鲁克林联邦法院就一项加密货币欺诈案认罪。史密斯对证券欺诈共谋和电信欺诈共谋两项指控认罪,这两项指控最高刑期分别为25年和20年。 美国司法部和证券交易委员会指控Smith与SafeMoon首席执行官Braden John Karony和创始人KyleNagy共同参与欺诈。检方称三人向投资者虚假宣称SafeMoon(SFM)代币的...

2025-02-21 07:14:40
SafeMoon has announced that it will launch a new Meme coin in Solana, but the contract has not yet been made public

SafeMoon, a DeFi protocol, has announced the launch of meme coins based on the Solana blockchain, designed to increase liquidity and provide SFM holders with the opportunity to exchange tokens for new assets. It will adopt a relaxed model with no intended use and focus on community interaction and engagement. Meanwhile, SafeMoon recently destroyed 22,000 billion SFM tokens and plans to support automatic exchange through the VGX wallet to inject liquidity into the ecosystem. This move aims to mov...

2025-02-16 14:18:10

DeFi 协议 SafeMoon 宣布将推出基于Solana区块链的meme币,旨在提升流动性并为SFM持有者提供代币兑换新资产的机会。将采用无预定用途的轻松模式,专注于社区互动与参与。同时,SafeMoon近期销毁了2.2万亿SFM代币,并计划通过VGX钱包支持自动兑换,为生态系统注入流动性。这一举措旨在摆脱过去的争议和法律问题,将项目的未来完全交由社区掌控。 团队强调...

2025-02-16 14:18:10
Moonshot Listing: X account has nothing to do with Moonshot official, and verified token information will be released in the future

Moonshot Listing posted on the X platform that its X account has nothing to do with Moonshot officials. The account has been posting token information added to Moonshot's "New" option before, but it has been notified by Moonshot that due to the recent update, unverified tokens will also appear in the "New" option, so its robot program will release verified token information in the future.

2025-02-13 05:26:47
Moonshot Listing:X账户与Moonshot官方无关,后续将发布经过验证的代币信息

Moonshot Listing在X平台发文称,其X账户与Moonshot官方无关,此前该账号一直在发布添加到Moonshot“新建”选项下的代币信息,但已接到Moonshot的通知,由于最近更新未经验证的代币也会出现在“新建”选项中,因此后续其机器人程序将发布经过验证的代币信息。

2025-02-13 05:26:47
MoonPay has clarified rumors, saying it will not run ads during the Super Bowl

Crypto payment service provider MoonPay said in a post on the X platform: "I have heard some rumors and hereby clarify that there will be no advertising during the Super Bowl, only enjoy the game."

2025-02-09 13:57:36

加密支付服务提供商 MoonPay 在 X 平台发文表示:“听到一些谣言,特此澄清不会在超级碗期间投放广告,仅享受比赛。”

2025-02-09 13:57:36
SafeMoon CEO Demands Trial Based on SEC'Policy Changes' Under Trump

According to a report by Cointelegraph, Braden John Karony, the former CEO of cryptocurrency firm SafeMoon, has asked a judge to delay his criminal trial, apparently hoping that the Trump administration's attitude towards digital assets will lead to at least one charge being dropped. In a Feb. 5 filing with the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York (EDNY), Karony petitioned a federal judge to delay jury selection for his trial from March to April 2025.

2025-02-08 06:03:02
SafeMoon CEO要求根据特朗普时期美SEC的“政策变化”推动审判

2月8日消息,据Cointelegraph报道,加密货币公司SafeMoon的前首席执行官Braden John Karony,已请求法官推迟其刑事审判,似乎希望特朗普政府对数字资产的态度能导致至少一项指控被撤销。 在2月5日提交给美国纽约东区联邦地区法院(EDNY)的文件中,Karony请求联邦法官将其审判的陪审团选拔从3月推迟到2025年4...

2025-02-08 06:03:02
Moonshot: Users can now make deposits to Moonshot through Robinhood

According to official news, users can now deposit to Moonshot through Robinhood. As a result, over 20 million users on Robinhood can seamlessly deposit to Moonshot. The feature is currently available on Android, and the iOS system will be launched soon.

2025-01-21 00:19:30


2025-01-21 00:19:30